The School of Public Administration held its 2024 orientation meeting

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2024-09-06Number of views:28

For full guaranteeThe orientation of new students in 2024 will be carried out in a stable and orderly manner.96Sunday morning,School of Public Administration在至Conference room召开Orientation for 2024布置会。All full-time counselors attended。The meeting was presided over by Wang Dongmei, head of the General Party Branch。

Wang DongmeiRead the school's"Anhui Vocational and Technical College2024Freshman registration work planMake specific arrangements for the orientation time arrangement, freshmen registration process, personnel responsibility division and various working time nodes。She pointed out thatOrientation as a new student第一The link is crucial, and we must effectively implement the orientation work。所有新生Counselors and welcome volunteers must fully understand the importance of welcome work, make advance planning and plans, clear division of labor, and coordinate with relevant departments in advance;It is necessary to strengthen the training and guidance of welcome volunteers to improve the service level and work efficiency。

Meeting, freshmenIn combination with the orientation arrangement, the counselor conducted in-depth communication on the problems and matters needing attention in the work。(Text/Anqi Chou/Shuhan Yang)

 Preliminary trial: Yang Shuhan   Preliminary hearing: Wang Dongmei


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